POV Buzzinga!

Steve Dole Steve Dole

The ABC’s of California Lockdown Part II


This second lockdown hit hard.
Enough to inspire an alphabet lesson.

A)    A is for Awkward that we’ve been in lockdown once before and here we go again.
B)     B is for Been here before and not happy about returning.
C)     C is for Covid/Coronavirus, which do not seem inclined to leave our vocabulary.
D)    D is for Death, which is an outcome many of us are clearly trying to avoid.
E)     E is for Educate yourself so you are not ignorant.
F)     F is for Fauci and all his tough love, give-it-to-us-straight leadership.
G)    G is for Gambling with our lives for those who refuse to take this virus seriously.
H)    H is for Halt the spread.
I)      I is for Ignorance that can be fixed with education.
J)     J is for Joke as in this is NO joke. Let’s get serious about flattening the curve this time around.
K)     K is for Kindness that we need more toward each other.
L)     L is for Lead by example; wash your hands, wear a mask, social distance, and stay home as much as possible.
M)   M is for Mask that properly fits and covers your face to help protect you from me and me from you and slow the spread.
N)    N is for Nose, the appendage that uncovered renders the mask useless.
O)    O is for Over the whining and self-righteous people who don’t feel rules apply to them.
P)     P is for Protocols that define how to keep ourselves and each other safe.
Q)    Q is for Quandary in that do we protect ourselves and each other by following protocols
or take a stand on perceived rights not to follow established guidance; hope you choose the former.
R)     R is for Rule. We have many of them for a reason. Accept them.
S)     S is for Science that body of knowledge continually evolving as we learn more about the novel coronavirus.
T)     T is for Travel that we all miss dearly.
U)    U is for Unmistakable threat the coronavirus presents to our health, economy, and existence.
V)    V is for Vacation that we cannot take.
W)   W is for Wisdom/Wash/Wear. Wisdom not gained in the first go-around; Wash your hands always;
Wear a mask whenever outside the home.
X)     X is for eXtra precautions to protect yourself and loved ones. Take them.
Y)     Y is for YOU can make a difference in getting us on the right track to get our lives back to some sense of normalcy.
Z)     Z is for Zoom meeting again.

Bottom line: Don’t share your air. People: Mask your faces to reduce the cases. Don’t be fools; follow the rules.
Listen to expertise and follow their guidance PLEASE!

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